Thursday 7 June 2012

In the Beginning

In the beginning...

Cornish Panda Surfboards came about from a number of influences; a passion for surfing, a real respect for true craftsmanship of board designers/shapers and a few too many glasses of Portuguese wine on a surf trip, made me decide that wooden surfboard construction was something I needed to do.   

I decided to create this blog to capture the highs and lows of a novice surfboard shaper, who is on a mission to create handmade wooden surfboards having no previous experience and no definite plans, what possibly could go wrong!?

The first board I aimed to create had one aim, to allow myself to catch one wave on it before it broke, sank or fell apart (or all three). This boards name as all surfboards have one, was branded ‘The Prototype’ and in the winter of 2011 with a large piece of plywood, and a jigsaw work began to create the first Cornish Panda Board.

With no set plans and working on experimental ideas and a small budget I decided to create a board using perhaps not the most suitable wood choice, plywood. Although it is easy to work with and very easy to get hold of plywood is not the best option, however with the all the wood needed to build the board costing no more than £35 I could not complain.

The construction took place over a long and very cold winter in my mother’s garage which was basically like working outside with a roof over my head which meant hypothermia was an issue! I attempted to construct the board in a sort of adapted process of methods that I had researched on the Internet, giving my unique spin on ideas which was most exciting as it meant it could either be the making of a revolutionary design concept or my downfall. The board took a long time to complete through one reason or another but in the beginning of May 2012 ‘The Prototype’ was complete and a huge sense of pride rained over me.

So on a picture perfect evening at my local beach, waves in the knee high range, ‘The Prototype’ went for its maiden ride, and I can safely say I don’t believe I have had a bigger grin on my face from possibly the worst wave of my life! A small 1ft clean line picked me up, the handmade wooden fin dug in and for a split second I was up and riding along the line on my first ever wooden board, the wave closed out and I was as content as the first time I had ever stood on a surfboard to ride the white water as far as I could. This moment was what the cold winter evenings, where I could not feel my fingers to hold the jigsaw had boiled down to, and for that moment it was in all honesty worth it.

Seeing a concept come together, from a few sheets of plywood bought from a local building supplier, to an object that looked remarkably similar to a surfboard, has further ignited a passion to create surfboards. The Cornish Panda Surfboards brand, although not official, has in my eyes begun.

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